Which is Better for Face Search:
FaceCheck or Tineye?

The Best Reverse Image Search Engines: An Exhaustive Test

Disclaimer: This is not an independent review. These tests were conducted in May 2024 as part of internal competitive analysis by an expert paid by FaceCheck.ID.

Which is Better for Face Search: <br>FaceCheck or Tineye?

Below tests evaluate the effectiveness of FaceCheck and Tineye for searching the Internet using a photo of someone's face. We used various criteria to match different practical use cases. You should test the search engines yourself to see which one works best for your needs. Each search test is awarded 0 to 5 score points based on how well the search performed. Points are summarized and charted at the end.;

16 Search by Face Tests


The Best Alternative to Tineye for Reverse Image Searches

Top Alternative for Tineye Reverse Image Search - FaceCheck.ID Identify Faces with FaceCheck

FaceCheck vs Tineye

FaceCheck.ID and TinEye serve different needs in the reverse image search market, with FaceCheck.ID excelling in identifying and alerting users to potential scams and safety risks. FaceCheck.ID effectively finds matches across a wide range of scenarios, from identifying fake social media profiles with scam warnings to recognizing individuals in low-quality images across various ages. It uses sophisticated algorithms to pinpoint individuals in social media, news websites, and even blurred photos, making it invaluable for user safety and fraud prevention.

In contrast, TinEye, while boasting a large database of over 67 billion images, struggles with the accuracy and relevance of its search results. It primarily offers exact matches and lacks facial recognition technology, which limits its effectiveness in identifying people from different angles or in varied contexts. Many of TinEye's links are outdated, leading to frustration among users who encounter broken links. Although TinEye is a pioneer in the reverse image search technology space, its capability does not extend effectively to personal identification, making it less useful for those needing to verify identities or uncover scams compared to FaceCheck.ID.

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Recognize a Side Facial Profile?

Side Facial Profile Can FaceCheck and Tineye Recognize a Side Facial Profile? This screenshot from a recent video interview shows the side profile of a famous person. The goal is to test the search engine to see if it can recognize the person and find front-facing photos of them.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID easily recognized this side profile and found plenty of front-view matches of the person. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Romance Scammers?

Romance Scam Photo Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Romance Scammers? This picture of a handsome unsuspecting doctor has been stolen by scammers and published on dating apps and used in many online romance scams. The goal of this test is to see if the search engine can help the user uncover that this pic is associated with a scam operation. The doctor is innocent!
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many fake social media profiles and scam reports and warned the user with red flags: Scam Alert, Scam Reports, and Many Accounts. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. There are plenty of images of this doctor published online on scammy dating websites, social profiles, and forums. This makes us suspicious about TinEye's claim of 67+ billion images in their database. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Work with Poor Quality Photos?

Bad Photo of a Killer Can FaceCheck and Tineye Work with Poor Quality Photos? A low-quality photo of a serial rapist, murderer, and ex-colonel in the Royal Canadian Air Force. The goal is to test the search engine's ability with a bad quality image with .jpeg artifacts where the person isn't facing the camera directly.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points Even though the source image quality is very poor, FaceCheck.ID found lots of matching photos of this smiling convicted killer from various angles. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 3 Points TinEye found a few exact matches of the photo. It is not able to find the subject in different photos with his face from different angles, which means TinEye does not use facial recognition. Score: +3 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Child Abusers?

Child Molester on the Run Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Child Abusers? This is a photo of someone on the offender list for molesting kids. His status is 'Absconded,' meaning he ran away from his registered address without telling the authorities. The goal is to see if the search engine is able to find high-risk offenders.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching photos of this child predator in offender databases as well as on news websites. It warned the user with a red flag icon: Sex Offender. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 2 Points TinEye found a few exact match results. However, most of the links are old and broken. Score: +2 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Recent News?

Recently Arrested Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Recent News? A photo of a serious sexual offender involving a child, who fled from the police and was hunted down and arrested, was all over the Australian news two weeks ago. The goal is to check if the search engine can find recently published images in its database.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching photos of this perpetrator on news websites, confirming that FaceCheck is continuously indexing new content. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 3 Points TinEye found recent results, which means TinEye is indexing new content. However, only 3 links for a website that claims to index 67+ billion images is rather underwhelming. Score: +3 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Recognize a Person wearing a Mask?

Masked Celebrity Actress Can FaceCheck and Tineye Recognize a Person wearing a Mask? This is a B-list celebrity wearing a face mask, only showing her eyes and forehead. The test is to see if the search engine can recognize faces even when they're covered by a mask. There is thousands of images of this celebrity all over the Internet, so finding a few matches should not be a problem.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID was able to easily recognize this actress just by her eyes and forehead and found many matching pictures of her. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Since this celebrity has thousands of photos all over the Internet, it is proof TinEye is not using facial recognition and is not well-suited for this task. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Obscure Foreign Celebrities?

Unknown Singer from Laos Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Obscure Foreign Celebrities? A picture of a not-so-famous singer from the country of Laos. Hardly anyone outside of Laos knows her. The goal of this test is to see if the search engine can find info on obscure public figures from other countries.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching pictures on social media of this obscure beauty influencer from Laos. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos for this beauty from Laos. This makes us suspicious about their 67+ billion images indexed claim. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an OnlyFans Model?

Random OnlyFans Model Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an OnlyFans Model? A photo of a random woman on OnlyFans who lives in Vietnam. The goal is to see if the search engine can find OnlyFans profiles.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found her OnlyFans profile as well as many social media profiles. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an Adult Actress by Low-Res Pic?

Low-Res Pic of Adult Actress Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an Adult Actress by Low-Res Pic? A low-resolution picture of an obscure Japanese adult film actress. The goal is to see if the search engine can find Asian adult film stars using low-resolution photos.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 4 Points FaceCheck.ID found several matching photos of this Japanese adult performer. We were able to find positive matches with even smaller test picture (65x65) where her face is measuring only 23x29 pixels! Score: +4 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an Old Person by Their Young Pic?

Find Old Person by Young Pic Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find an Old Person by Their Young Pic? This photo is from 1976, showing a woman who was 27 years old at the time. The goal is to see if the search engine can find a more recent photo of the same person.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching photos of this person in her older years. One of the photo is when the subject was 65 years old prooving FaceCheck's ability to find an older face by a young face. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 2 Points TinEye found 2 exact match photos but did not find any similar matching images. Score: +2 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find a Profile of a War Criminal?

War Criminal Soldier Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find a Profile of a War Criminal? A picture of a Russian soldier who filmed himself committing terrible war crimes. The goal is to see if the search engine can find this soldier's social media profiles.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching photos of this soldier, including social media profiles. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 4 Points TinEye found many exact matching photos but not the person in different photos. Score: +4 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Escort Ads?

Brazilian Escort Ad Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Escort Ads? A photo from a Brazilian escort ad. We blurred it on this page for privacy. The goal is to see if the search engine can find images on escort ads websites.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many matching photos of this person on escort sites as well as social media. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Handle Facial Expressions?

Exaggerated Expression Can FaceCheck and Tineye Handle Facial Expressions? The camera captured a soccer player with a funny facial expression in this photo. The goal is to see if the search engine is robust enough to find images of the same person with a normal facial expression.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many photos of the soccer player with various facial expressions, demonstrating its robustness and reliability in recognizing the person despite variations in their appearance. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 4 Points TinEye found many exact matching photos but not the person in different photos. Score: +4 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find AI Generated Images?

AI Generated Girl Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find AI Generated Images? This image was generated by an artificial intelligence app. The goal is to test if the search engine can find similar AI images.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many similar images of AI-generated women. FaceCheck also raised a red flag: "AI-Generated Face" to alert the user that AI face was detected. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Work with Blurred Photos?

Blurred Photo Can FaceCheck and Tineye Work with Blurred Photos? Even though this photo is heavily blurred, almost anyone would recognize the iconic president in the photo. A good reverse image search engine should be able to recognize this person too.
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID had no problem with this blurred photo and found many matches of the president. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye failed to process the blurred image, saying "Your image is too simple to find matches." Score: 0 Points

Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Social Media Profiles?

Social Media Model Can FaceCheck and Tineye Find Social Media Profiles? This person is a social media fitness model from Iraq. The test is: can the reverse image search engine find social media profiles of a person from an Islamic country?
FaceCheck.ID Test result: 5 Points FaceCheck.ID found many social media accounts of this Iraqi fitness model such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Clubhouse and more. Score: +5 Points
Tineye.com Test result: 0 Points TinEye did not find any matching photos. Score: 0 Points

FaceCheck and Tineye - Bottom Line Comparison

Searches Social Media Profiles
Red Flag Warnings
Indexes Lots of Quality Websites
Slower than Other Sites
Less Indexed Images than Others
Not as Many Explicit Adult Images
Bottom Line Although FaceCheck.ID is relatively new and has a smaller image database than its competitors, it excels thanks to its state-of-the-art face search algorithm and indexing of images from high-quality websites. FaceCheck.ID shines in matching low-quality, blurred images and recognizing people in masks, and faces from various angles, not just frontal views. Focused on user safety, it’s particularly effective at uncovering catfishing and identity theft. It also detects photos used by scammers, searches social media profiles, and identifies mugshots and suspects mentioned in the news.
Total Score: 79 Points
67+ billion images
Fast Image Search
Free Search
No Facial Recognition
Old broken URL links
Exact Image Match Only
Bottom Line TinEye was one of the first reverse image search engines and claims to have an enormous database of over 67 billion images. However, due to its age, it suffers from a high level of link rot, with many broken links pointing to websites that no longer exist. Additionally, TinEye can only perform exact matches and does not utilize facial recognition. Consequently, our tests indicate it is very weak when searching for images of people.
Total Score: 18 Points

The Ultimate Face Recognition Search Engine Showdown

Test FaceCheck PimEyes SocialCatfish Yandex Tineye Google Bing
Side Facial Profile 5 0 2 0 0 0 0
Romance Scam Photo 5 5 5 5 0 0 0
Bad Photo of a Killer 5 0 5 2 3 0 0
Child Molester on the Run 5 5 5 2 2 3 0
Recently Arrested 5 5 5 0 3 2 0
Masked Celebrity Actress 5 0 4 0 0 0 0
Unknown Singer from Laos 5 5 0 0 0 2 0
Random OnlyFans Model 5 5 0 0 0 0 0
Low-Res Pic of Adult Actress 4 5 0 3 0 0 0
Find Old Person by Young Pic 5 5 1 1 2 0 0
War Criminal Soldier 5 4 4 4 4 2 3
Brazilian Escort Ad 5 5 0 0 0 0 0
Exaggerated Expression 5 5 5 5 4 5 5
AI Generated Girl 5 5 1 1 0 0 0
Blurred Photo 5 0 5 5 0 0 5
Social Media Model 5 3 0 0 0 0 0
Total Points
FaceCheck PimEyes SocialCatfish Yandex Tineye Google Bing

Find a Better Reverse Image Search Tool Than Tineye

Reverse Image Search: The Best Option Besides Tineye - FaceCheck.ID Find Anyone by Face - Use FaceCheck

Reverse Image Search Engines Compared: A Comprehensive Guide

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Siti is an expert tech author that writes for the FaceCheck.ID blog and is enthusiastic about advancing FaceCheck.ID's goal of making the internet safer for all.