Find Photos

This is a feature commonly integrated into various platforms, mainly social media and search engines, which enables users to locate specific images. This can be achieved through several methods including reverse image search, where an existing image is used to find similar images or the source of the original image, and facial recognition search, where the system identifies and locates images of a particular face. These features are often used for purposes like verifying the authenticity of an image, finding higher resolution versions, or identifying individuals in photos.

List of excerpts on pages that contain the term find photos
Leveraging Facial Recognition Technology to Combat Human Trafficking
PimEyes: An advanced facial recognition search engine that helps find photos of individuals across the internet.
Facial Recognition Resources
Facebook's Facial Recognition Can Find Photos Of You Across The Social Network.
How to Find Pictures of Yourself on the Internet
Google Reverse Image Search and TinEye are fantastic for finding photos based on a sample image.