Search by Photo

This refers to the process of using an image as the input for a search query instead of text. It's a feature provided by various search engines and social media platforms that uses algorithms to analyze the content of the image and then search for visually similar images or related content online. It's often used in reverse image searches or facial recognition search, where an image of a person's face is used to find more pictures of the same person or to identify the person in the provided picture.

List of excerpts on pages that contain the term search by photo
How to Search Facebook by Photo
Some search engines, such as Google Images, have a massive database of images, while others, such as FaceCheck.ID, focus specifically on social media profiles including FaceBook and Instagram search by photo.
Find Someone on Fansly by Photo in 4 Easy Steps
Fansly forgot to add a search by photo feature, making finding the right profile feel like a never-ending game of hide and seek. As more people join Fansly, finding a specific profile gets harder, especially since you can't search by photo. Old Ways: The Cumbersome Process of Fansly Search by Photo.